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Cairn (poems)
Red Hen Press, 2018
"These poems of many decades invoke so many rich worlds of being...her elegant spirit and voice turn us all back into the more lyrical people we might be. It is her ongoing gift, and our treasure."
—Naomi Shihab Nye
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Toucan Nest: Poems of Costa Rica (poems)
Red Hen Press, 2013
"A dazzle of a book."
—Alice Friman
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Just Breathe Normally (memoir)
University of Nebraska Press
Hardcover: 2007
Paperback: 2009
"Painful healing from a freak bicycle accident burns at the heart of this collection of lyrical anecdotes. . . . Shumaker's prose possesses throughout a limpid serenity." —Publishers Weekly
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Gnawed Bones (poems)
Red Hen Press, 2010
"Good heavens, what a book. No, rather good earth, good sad mortal body, what a book. Shumaker writes without blame, but with utter clarity and precision and story-telling skill about places on earth and our place among them"
—Alicia Ostriker
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Underground Rivers (poems)
Red Hen Press, 2002
"Peggy's Shumaker's fifth book of poems seems called forth by nature itself—from
ash, aurora, legend, and vision—to keep and heal an audience thirsty for 'the
internal weather / of ocean inside us.'" —Hilda Raz
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Blaze (poems/art)
with Kesler E. Woodward
Red Hen Press, 2005
Sensual Alaskan paintings and poems.
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The Circle of Totems (poems)
University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988
"Peggy Shumaker's The Circle of Totems isn't merely reflections on travel, it lives for what the Aleutian people of Alaska call movement, meaning passage made on a horizontal and vertical plane at once. "
—Norman Dubie
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Wings Moist from the Other World (poems)
University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994
"Many of Shumaker's best pieces revolve around family—not pleasant tales of growing up in a loving home, but portraits of the angry adult making peace with her long-dead parents. " —Publisher's Weekly
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| Esperanza's Hair (poems)
University of Alabama Press, 1985
"The craft and vision in these poems are extraordinary but what is shocking about this book is the poet's understanding of the order of things."—Norman Dubie
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Braided River (poems)
Limner Press, Anchorage AK, 1993.
Letterpress cover and interior artwork by Wendy Shaft. Signed and lettered hard cover edition. Numbered soft cover edition.
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Greatest Hits (poems)
Puddinghouse Press, 2006.
Twelve poems plus a brief essay by the poet.
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Below is a selected list of anthologies in which Peggy's work has been included. Titles link to the books' pages on Amazon.
Short Takes: Brief Encounters with Contemporary Nonfiction
Judith Kitchen, ed
Norton, 2005
The Poets Guide to the Birds
Judith Kitchen and Ted Kooser, eds
Anhinga, 2009
Women's Work: Modern Women Poets Writing in English
Eva Salzman and Amy Wack, eds
Seren, 2009
Crosscurrents North: Alaskans on the Environment
Marybeth Holleman and Anne Coray, eds
University of Alaska Press, 2008
A Year in Place
W Scott Olsen, ed
University of Utah Press, 2001
Poetry Daily Essentials 2007
Don Selby and Diane Boller, eds
Sourcebooks, 2007
Letters to the World: Poems from the Wom-Po Listserv
Moira Richards, Rosemary Starace, Lesley Wheeler, eds
Red Hen, 2008
The Alaska Reader: Voices from the North
Anne Hanley and Carolyn Kremers, eds
Fulcrum Publishing, 2005
Long Journey: Contemporary Northwest Poets
David Biespiel, ed
Oregon State Univ. Press, 2006
The Fourth Genre: Contemporary Writers of/on Brief Nonfiction
Robert L. Root and Michael J. Steinberg, eds
Longman, 2009
Trappings: Stories of Women, Power, and Clothing
Tiffany Ludwig and Renee Piechocki, eds.
Rutgers Univ. Press, 2007
A Road of Her Own: Women's Journeys in the West
Marlene Blessing, ed
Fulcrum Publishing, 2002